Thin-Fat Paradox: Why hidden fat poses a risk to heart health?

Headline:  Thin-Fat Paradox: Why hidden fat poses a risk to heart health?

Link: Thin-Fat Paradox: Why hidden fat poses a risk to heart health?

Publication: Financial Express

Date: 9 January 2025

The Department of Cardiology at BM Birla Hospital sheds light on a lesser-known health concern—normal weight obesity, often called the “thin-fat paradox.” Despite having a normal Body Mass Index (BMI), individuals with this condition carry excessive visceral fat, which builds up around internal organs and increases the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.

Dr. Joy Shome, Consultant Cardiologist, explains that while subcutaneous fat is visible under the skin, visceral fat remains hidden yet highly dangerous. It can even surround the heart, contributing to atrial fibrillation, a condition that disrupts heart rhythm and raises the risk of stroke and heart failure.
Factors like genetics, hormonal imbalances, poor diet, and lack of exercise play a key role in this condition. The Department of Cardiology stresses the importance of recognizing normal weight obesity early, making lifestyle changes, and taking preventive steps to protect heart health.

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