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Dr. Joy Shome

Dr. Joy Shome

Senior Consultant

Department : Cardiology

Experience: 18+ Years

About Dr. Joy Shome

Dr Joy Shome is a Senior Consultant in Cardiology and Head of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/ Implantation (TAVR/ TAVI) at BM Birla Heart Hospital. He has returned to India after spending 18 years in the UK.


He completed his MBBS from Kasturba Medical College Manipal with distinctions and several prizes. Subsequently he moved to the UK where he pursued internal medicine training and obtained his MRCP from the Royal Colleges of Physicians, UK. He completed a Teaching Fellowship in Cardiology leading to a Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education qualification from Newcastle University.


He secured a highly competitive UK National Training Programme post in Cardiology where he received extensive training in general cardiology as well as high volume training in complex coronary angioplasty leading to a UK Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in Cardiology. He also completed a British Heart Foundation Clinical Research Fellowship in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London leading to an MD (Research) in Cardiac Imaging from King’s College London.


Dr Shome is an expert in TAVR/ TAVI which is a non-surgical treatment for aortic valve stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve of the heart). He completed dedicated, high intensity fellowships in TAVR/ TAVI in high volume UK centres. He has gained immense experience with TAVR/ TAVI with one of the highest personal case volumes in the country. He has presented on TAVR/ TAVI at various national and international meetings. He has participated as faculty and performed live cases for TAVR/ TAVI conferences. He has trained fellows in TAVR/ TAVI.


In addition to TAVR, he is highly experienced in complex coronary angioplasty, rotational atherectomy (Rotablation), orbital atherectomy, intra coronary imaging, chronic total occlusion techniques, ultra-low contrast PCI, permanent pacemaker implantation, besides various other cardiology procedures. He is passionate about delivering good clinical care, and medical education and research.


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