Dr. Subhendu Mondal is a Cardiologist who specializes in Pediatric Cardiac Interventions. He has a total experience of 16 years out of which last 16 years in Pediatric Cardiology. Dr Mondal has completed his MBBS from Bankura Samilani Medical College, West Bengal University of Health Sciences (WBUHS) and MD from JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University. He has completed his Diploma in Child Health from Calcutta University and is a Member of Royal College of Physicians, England.
He has been associated with hospitals like Princess Alexandra and Southampton General Hospital in the UK. In India, he has been associated with J.N. Medical College in Aligarh, Chittaranjan Sishu Seva Sadan, Institute of Child Health and Mohonananda Children’s Hospital in Kolkata. He is practicing regularly with CK Birla Hospitals since 2016.
16 + years of experience
NTSE Scholar, NCERT, Government of India
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