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Dr. Shuvo Dutta

Dr. Shuvo Dutta

Senior Consultant

Department : Cardiology

Experience: 34+ Years

About Dr. Shuvo Dutta

Dr Shuvo Dutta is a full time Senior Cardiologist in BM Birla Heart Research Centre. He has completed his MD from Calcutta National Medical College in Kolkata and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in the UK and Fellow of American College of Cardiology.

Dr Shuvo Dutta has an experience of more than 35 years in his field. He was the first in India to win an award on carotid artery stenting to prevent brain stroke and angioplasty by radial route, which was telecasted nationwide by Doordarshan in 1998.

His expertise lies in Radial Angioplasty, Femoral Angioplasty, ballooning, stenting and other complex
cardiac interventions.

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