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Dr. Manotosh Panja

Dr. Manotosh Panja

Visiting consultant

Department : Cardiology

Experience: 38+ Years

About Dr. Manotosh Panja

Prof. (Dr.) Monotosh Panja, Director of Interventional Cardiologist in Belle Vue Clinic & AMRI Hospital, Senior Interventional Cardiologist in B.M.Birla Heart Hospital. Also he is a former director of Cardiovascular Sciences Professor & Head of Cardiology department at I.P.G.M.E.R & S.S.K.M Hospital. Current President Society for Cardiac Intervention. Past President of Cardiological Society of India. Dr. Manotosh Panja has almost 38 years of wide experience in cardiology specializing in pacemaker implantation, cardioversion, and peripheral angiography. He is responsible for checking about 500+ heart disorders every year with his brilliant team. Dr. Manotosh has gained efficient skills in assuring cardiovascular treatments, attributing him to one of Kolkata's most extraordinary heart doctors. The doctor has let out the treatment of heart biopsy and coronary angiography. He has broad experience to attain bypass surgery as well. Dr. Monotosh Panja's particular interest lies in installing pacemakers and stent placement.

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