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Dr. Ambrish Gupta

Dr. Ambrish Gupta


Department : Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery

Experience: 22+ Years

About Dr. Ambrish Gupta

He has rich 22 years of experience in Plastic surgery with expertise in Trauma Surgery, management of burns, congenital Anomalies Polydactyl Syndactyly and Cleft Lip & Palate. His expertise extends to Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Breast Implants, Breast reduction, (Reduction Mammoplasty), Nose Job (Rhinoplasty), Fat Grafting, Fat injection and Facial Rejuvenation. 

Dr. Ambrish Gupta have experience in Cosmetic Surgery, Hand Surgery and Micro Vascular Surgery from King Edward Hospital Mumbai, and has done BSS training from Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

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