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Dr. Susruta Sen

Dr. Susruta Sen

Lab Director, CK Birla Hospitals, CMRI & BMB

Department : Pathology

Experience: 19+ Years

About Dr. Susruta Sen

Dr. Susruta Sen has specialized in Clinical Biochemistry and Practicing in the field of Laboratory Medicine for nearing last two decades. His special area of interests are Diabetes and metabolic disorders. He has also done post graduate diploma in Health and hospital management. Apart from regular clinical work as Lab Director of CMRI and BMB he has also done research activities and have published 10 papers in international journals and several research works in national journals. 

He is an editorial board member of Journal of Applied Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (JABLM).

Besides his clinical and research work he is very much involved in quality and accreditation process. He is a lead assessor of NABL and carrying out assessments in various hospitals and labs across India since last 12 years. He was CAP (College of American Pathologists) International inspector for around 6 years and had inspected Labs and Hospitals in and outside India. 

Dr. Sen has also participated in different national and international conferences and CMEs as guest speaker and delivered lectures across globe. 

Dr. Sen is National President of Association of Clinical Chemistry and Lab Medicine Practitioners (ACCLMP) and has organized numerous CMEs and Conferences in different states of India on behalf of the association. Presently he is a constituent member of an international organization World Association of Societies of Pathologists and Lab Medicine (WASPALM).

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