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Dr. Somnath Mukherjee

Dr. Somnath Mukherjee

Consultant - Gastro Science

Department : Gastro Science

Experience: 25+ Years

About Dr. Somnath Mukherjee

Dr. Somnath Mukherjee has regularly ran the acute takes, including cover provision for out of hours for coronary are, HDU and ITU, triaging of admissions and dealing with complications on the surgical wards.

He has also been responsible for the ongoing care of general medical in-patients. He conducts therapeutic ERCP list plus three upper and lower gastrointestinal diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. He is also an expert in performing the following procedures: OGD, Colonoscopy including polypectomy, Variceal banding, heater probe, APC, Injection therapy for bleeding, Oesophageal dilation and stent insertion, capsule endoscopy, CVP insertion etc.

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