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Dr. Sarfaraz J Baig

Dr. Sarfaraz J Baig

Senior Consultant - GI Surgeon

Department : Bariatric and Hernia/ AWR Surgery

Experience: 20+ Years

About Dr. Sarfaraz J Baig

Dr. Sarfaraz J Baig is a Senior Consultant GI Surgeon in the city of Kolkata. He has a practice of over 20 years with more than 10000 surgeries. His expertise is recognized in Laparoscopic, Bariatric, Hernia and Abdominal wall reconstruction, Biliary surgery, Antireflux, and Colorectal surgery. He served the State Healthcare from the year 2000 to 2006 as an Assistant Professor of general, and GI surgery.

He loves teaching and has mentored many students in his career. He runs various courses for surgeons at his center. He holds/ held posts in various national bodies- IAGES, OSSI, HSI, and IASG. He has conducted many conferences and workshops in the country and has given lectures on his area of expertise both in India and abroad. He is the Associate Editor, of the Journal of Bariatric Surgery, and on the Editorial Board, of the Journal of Minimal Access Surgery.

He is the Editor of Newer Concepts and Procedures in Hernia Surgery - an Atlas and Management of Nutritional and Metabolic Complications of Bariatric surgery by Springer. He has authored a book on 'Nutrition, Obesity and Bariatric Surgery and co-authored a number of monographs and chapters in books of international repute such as Essentials of Mini-One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass by Springer.


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