Consultant Transplant Surgeon and Visiting Surgeon at CK Birla Hospital, Desun Hospital, Woodland Hospital, Belle Vue Hospital, Calcutta (performed more than 500 Kidney Transplant in Calcutta)
Consultant Surgeon and Instructor of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, USA.
Chief of Transplant Services, Transplant Center of Lehigh Valley, Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA.
Chief of Pancreas Transplantation, Transplant Center of Lehigh Valley, Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA.
Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery, Penn State University, Pennsylvania, USA.
Member, Board of Medical Directors, Gift of Life Donor Program, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Reviewer, Clinical / Scientific Manuscripts –
a) American Journal of Transplantation
b) Transplantation
MBBS, Calcutta University
MD, Medical Licensure, State Board of Medicine, Harrisburg, PA, USA
FRCS (Surgery), UK
FACS (Fellow American College of Surgeons), USA.
FICS (Fellow International College of Surgeons), USA.
Surgical Training in the USA
a) Washington Medical Center, Washington, DC
b) University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas
c) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, USA
Clinical fellowship, Division of Transplantation, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, USA.
The Transplantation Society
American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenicity
The British Transplantation Society
American Society of Transplantation
American Society of Transplant Surgeons
Vascular Access Society, Netherland
PLAB (Professional & Linguistic Assessment Board), London, UK
ECFMG (Education Commission, Foreign Medical Graduates), Philadelphia, USA
American Society of Transplant Surgeons, USA
United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), USA
Surgical Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh Medical center, Pittsburgh, USA
Renal Transplantation- from live and deceased donors, ABO incompatible and highly sensitized recipients,
Pediatric patients (below 10 years age).
Pancreas Transplantation- in Type I and some type II diabetics with renal failure
Abdominal organ procurement from Brain dead donor for transplant (Liver, pancreas, kidneys
Live donor nephrectomy- open and laparoscopic
Complex hemodialysis access procedures: arterial-venous autologous fistula, PTFE graft bridge fistulas, placement of long term tunneled dialysis catheters.
Peritoneal dialysis catheter placement- by open or laparoscopic techniques.
Laparoscopic (minimal access) surgery- cholecystectomy, appendectomy, lymphocele drainage, organ biopsies.
Total Para thyroidectomy with Auto-transplantation, for refractory renal hyperparathyroidism.
Dysfunctional Lower urinary tract reconstruction post Renal Transplant.