Dr. Kunal Kanti Pal is an orthopaedic surgeon who has worked in Alipore, Kolkata and has an experience of 15+ years in this field. Dr Pal has also practised at The Calcutta Medical Research Institute in Alipore, Kolkata.
He has dedicated his career to diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical conditions while providing personalized healthcare services to his patients. Dr Pal is known for his compassionate and personalized approach to patient care.
He completed his MBBS from the University of Calcutta in 2005, a Diploma in Orthopaedics from West Bengal University of Health Sciences in 2012 and MNAMS - Orthopaedics from the National Academy of Medical Sciences in 2015.
12 years experience in the field of Orthopaedics at Calcutta Medical College, Tata Main Hospital, Fortis Hospital etc.
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