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Dr. Dibendu Kr. Ray

Dr. Dibendu Kr. Ray

Consultant - Neurosurgery

Department : Neurosurgery

Experience: 20+ Years

About Dr. Dibendu Kr. Ray

Dr. Dibendu Kr. Ray has been a medical officer and a clinical tutor in the department of Neurosurgery at RG Kar Medical College. He has also been a Medical Officer and Clinical Tutor in the department of Neurosurgery at Bangur Institute of Neurology. He was associated with Calcutta National Medical College as an Asst. Professor.

He also has several publications under him namely: Leprosy Neuropathy – Can it be prevented?, Indian Journal of Leprosy, Temporal Bone Carcinoma with intradural extension, Neurology India, Brain Abcess in Children, Neurosurg Focus.

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