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Dr. Ayan Roy

Dr. Ayan Roy

Consultant - Orthopedics

Department : Orthopedics & Joint Replacement

Experience: 13+ Years

About Dr. Ayan Roy

Dr. Ayan Roy is presently associated with CMRI as a visiting consultant for Orthopedics. He has worked as a registrar in the department of Orthopedics at the Calcutta Medical Research Institute. He has also worked as a senior registrar, Department of Orthopedics at The Calcutta Medical Research Institute. He was a fellow researcher of Adult Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Orthopedics, and National University Hospital, Singapore.

Additionally, he also presented a paper titled “Patterns of Bony Movement in the Neuroarthropathic Foot and Ankle in Diabetics at the annual conference of Singapore Orthopedic Association.

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