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Dr. Ashok Kumar Das

Dr. Ashok Kumar Das

Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon & Traumatologist

Department : Orthopedics & Joint Replacement

Experience: 40+ Years

About Dr. Ashok Kumar Das

He is the Director, AO Trauma International for AOT Fellowship. Host Centre – CMRI, Kolkata, Designation assigned by AO Trauma, International Centre, Davos, Switzerland. 
Course Coordinator/ Supervisor for AOTAP & AOAF Fellowship.

Was Executive Orthopaedic Trauma Officer in AO Trauma Council and represented India for 2 terms (4 years), Vice President Indian Arthroplasty Association, Executive Officer - SICOT India Eastern Zone.
Working in CMRI as Senior Orthopaedic Surgeon & Traumatologist. Faculty/ Supervisor for AO Trauma and AOAF Fellowship, Faculty in AO Trauma different Courses.

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