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Dr. Anjan Das

Dr. Anjan Das

Consultant - Urologist

Department : Renal Sciences

Experience: 28+ Years

About Dr. Anjan Das

Dr. Anjan Das with valuable experience of 23 Years in the field of Urology including Uro-Oncology and Reconstructive Urology joined Fortis Hospital Kidney Institute at Rash Behari Avenue, Kolkata on 1st August 2014 as Consultant-Urology. He has received his MS (Gen. Surgery) and M.Ch (Urology) from one of the premier medical institutions - PGI, Chandigarh. Prior to joining the Fortis Group, he was and is still associated with well-known hospitals and Medical College in Kolkata as a Consultant-Urologist and / Professor of Urology. He was also associated with PGI, Chandigarh as Sr. Resident, and later on, as Assistant Professor of Urology. He has presented papers at various Urological Conference including the prestigious USICON. He has also many Publications on Urology to his credit. Dr. Das is a life member of various Urological Societies including the Urology Society of India (USI) and American Urology Association (AUA).

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