Dr. Beauty Biswas is associated with CMRI as interventional pulmonology Consultant. She has total 10 years of experience. She is running Severe asthma clinic beside conducting general pulmonology OPD & performing diagnostic & therapeutic pulmonology intervention like Bronchoscopy, Thoracoscopy, EBUS, TBLB, cryobiopsy, Pigtail Catheter insertion etc. She is also attached with organizations like Indian Chest Society, European Respiratory of Society, Chest council of India.
She has total work experience of 10 years in pulmonology.
Various clinical conditions like malignancy, Tuberculosis, Sarcoidosis, ILD can be diagnosed nowadays using various Newest intervention like Radical EBUS, fluoroscopy guided cryobiopsy. Complications are rare in hands of an expert interventional pulmonologist.
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